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8th Grader Info

For 8th Grade Students
Price Promotion Requirements
Students are required to meet the following critieria for promotion from Price:

  1. Attain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 1.5 overall. Language Arts classes are counted as two grades per quarter.
  2. Attend school regularly (absent no more than 30 days total for the year).
  3. Maintain appropriate behavior during all four quarter of the eighth grade school year. Unacceptable behaviors include:
    • Suspensions for misbehavior
    • Excessive office referrals for misbehavior
    • Truancies
    • Excessive tardies
  4. School personnel will notify students and their parents each grading quarter if the student's grade point average falls below 1.5, or if absences exceed 10 days.
  5. Appeals by students and their parents may be made to the principal, if the above requirements are not being met and ceremony participation is in jeopardy.

Community Service Opportunities

  • Good Samaritan Hospital - 14 years and older: 408-559-2345
  • Cambrian Little League looking for helpers
  • Our elementary schools are looking for helpers with fall festivals - come to the office for more information
  • Volunteer