Attendance Procedures
Attendance Policy
Satisfactory school progress is dependent upon regular attendance. Absences or tardies are either excused or unexcused.
Excused tardies and absences:(CA Ed. Code 46011)
- Illness.
- Having medical, dental, or optometric services rendered with a doctor's note.
- Attending funeral services of a member of the pupil's immediate family.
All other tardies and absences are legally defined as unexcused.
*When absent, please follow these procedures:
- Have your parent/guardian telephone the school, 408-377-2532, ext.1 (or Email: Charlize Hidalgo,, attendance secretary ) and leave a message by 8:25 a.m. on each day of the absence.
The message should include:- Name of student
- Spell last name
- Your relationship to the student
- Date/s of absence
- Reason for absence
- Date of return
- If your parent/guardian does not telephone the school, you must bring a note on the day you return.
This note should have:- Your name
- The date/s of absence
- Reason for absence
- Parent/guardian signature
- Take the note to the attendance desk before the tardy bell so as not to be late for class.
The following forms of absences are classified as truancies :
- Absent from school without a valid excuse.
- Leaving the school site during the school day without permission.
- Staying out of class without permission.
- Tardy in excess of 30 minutes on three or more days during the school year without a doctor's note.
Absences not cleared within four days will be considered a truancy.
*Late/tardy to school: (First bell 8:25 a.m.)
- Students must be in their classrooms and be seated by 8:30 a.m., or they will be marked tardy. Students arriving to school between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m. are to report directly to their first period class.
- After 8:45 a.m. all students are to report to the attendance office where a tardy slip will be issued.
- Students may not call home to have a tardy excused.
*Independent Study Contract for absences out of town exceeding five days.
(The purpose of this contract is to excuse absences.)
- Fill out independent study contract at the attendance office at least 10 school days prior to departure.
- Completed homework and contract must be returned to attendance office by 8:30 a.m. on the day of return.
- Please contact Attendance Secretary, to answer your questions (408-377-2532 Ext. 1).