Ida Price Middle School – Home & School Club
Dear Price Families,
Welcome to a new school year at Ida Price Middle School, with a warm welcome to any new students and their families. The Price Home & School Club is a parent and teacher organization that supports the school and its students. By donations of money and volunteer time, the Home & School Club makes possible many programs and extra-curricular activities that are not funded by the Cambrian School District. These include field trips, transportation for each grade, hospitality (teacher luncheons, Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week), Music Support, Athletic Support, classroom supplies, student awards and promotion, and teacher stipends. These programs all rely on your donations.
We realize that we have not spent as much in the past two years due to covid, but this was mainly due to our budget being alloacated to Student Field Trips and activities. With the return of these activities and the increased costs associated with them, we hope that we will be able to spend most of our proposed budget as planned. The HSC did purchase microscopes for all science classrooms, a kiln for our Pottery elective, and lab software for the Science department, in addition, to making Panther Pride t-shirts for all new students and 8th grade promotion signs a permanent part of our budget moving forward. Please be sure to review our Giving Campaign page. This is our most important fundraiser, which supports the majority of our programs. The Giving Campaign is even more important this year since the status of our other fundraising events remains uncertain, so please donate if you are able!