Meet the Administration/Staff
The administrative office is here to help you and your child.
Administrative Office: 408-377-2532
Margaret Lavin, Principal
James Kimure, Assistant Principal
Julie Orlando, Assistant Principal
Analiese Orlando, School Secretary, Ext. 6
Charlize Hidalgo, Attendance Secretary, Ext. 1
Jennifer Foley, Registrar, Ext. 0 and Health Clerk, Ext. 2
Counseling Department: 408-377-2532
Angeline Ruggiero, Academic Counselor, Ext. 4
Stacy Worrell , Academic Counselor, Ext. 3
Steve Fabris, School Psychologist, Ext. 5127
Ksenia Vikulova, Speech, Ext. 5111
Library Services: 408-377-2532
Renee Benavente, Ext. 5125
Cafeteria/Food Services: 408-377-2532
Deb Gil, Supervisor, Ext. 5116